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Coomera River Fishing Spots

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Coomera River

3.8/5 - (16 votes)
27°52'3.67" S, 153°22'54.17" E

Coomera is a blend of man made structure like jetties, pylons and bridges, and natural structure like mangrove and mud flats. Despite being one of the most heavily fished River’s in Queensland, the Commera River still produces some good fishing for Bream, Trevally, Whiting, Flathead, Cod and Mangrove Jack. The rare Jewfish also caught in the Coomera River.

Coomera River fishing spots are mostly only accessible by boat due to most of the river backing onto private property. However most the bridges, Paradise Point and undeveloped land still offers some good places for fishing the Coomera River.

Coomera River is one of the best Mangrove Jack fishing rivers in the South East Corner. Live bait of either Mullet or Herring near structure like bridges, pylons and rock bars works well for the Jacks in here. Lure fishing for Jack is very popular in the Coomera. Great fish are caught every summer, the key to success for luring jacks is, hard body minnow lures worked very close to structure in the shaded areas.

Flathead are caught year round, but they are in high numbers during Spring. They can be found around the drop offs and at the mouths of small feeder creeks on the run out tide.

Bream school up in the clear waters near the entrances during Winter. Search for deeper, clear waters to find them. This can make for some fantastic fishing on both baits and lures.

Mulloway lurk around the Coomera River, but they are a rare catch mainly reserved for the dedicated angler. The best times of the year to target them is the cooler months, find the bait and they will be around. The mullet spawn is probably the best to target Mulloway, this occurs around late May and June depending on the climate.

Coomera River Mouth

The mouth of the southern entrance has some good flats fishing for Bream on an incoming tide. During the outgoing tide this is a good spot to cast soft plastics for Flathead around the drop offs. There’s some reef in the deeper waters that hold Trevally and Bream at times.

Paradise Point

Good land based access to some good structure. The rock wall and jetties hold good bream at times. Mangrove Jack are also caught along the rock wall in Summer.

Paradise Point Canals

The canals offer almost endless structure in the form of jetties. There are some good fish in here, mainly good sized Bream. Mangrove Jack are also caught in the canals mainly in Summer.

Paradise Point Mud Flats

The mud flats and drop offs here produce good catches of flathead during the run out tide. On the incoming tide the flats here fish well for Whiting.

Jabiru Island

Good land based fishing access, the shallow waters on the north west side produce Whiting year round, in Summer they will take a surface lure. Under the western Bridge is a good spot to live bait for Mangrove Jack in Summer.

Coomera Feeder Creeks

The small feeder creeks thoughout the Coomera River produce flathead on soft plastics on an out going tide.

Coomera River Junction

The deeper water here has patchy reef that produces good Bream fishing at times. Bream tend to school up here during Winter. The drop offs here also produce good catches of flathead and Mangrove Jack. The jetties to the north just upstream are also known to produce jacks and bream.

Coomera River North Branch

Only accessible by boat, the north branch is fairly shallow, but still produces Bream, Whiting and Flathead. Fish the run out tide as the water runs off the flats for Flathead. On the incoming tide the same flats generally hold bream.

Wasp Creek Mouth

A popular spot to live bait for Mangrove Jack during Summer. During spring the run out tide is a good spot to cast soft plastics for Flathead.

Bullock Creek Bend

The west and east corners of the bend has some rocky structure that holds mostly Bream.

Foxwell Island

The canals to the south hold good Bream at times, working plastics or small hard body lures close to structure will produce fish. During Summer Mangrove Jack are also hooked in these canals. 

Gold Coast City Marina

The deep water and good structure here is home to some big Bream and Mangrove Jacks. Sinking soft plastics down into the depths in a good way to land some fish here. The odd Jewfish can show up mainly in the cooler months, and Trevally in spring through summer.

Saltwater Creek Rocks

The shallow rocks here attrack bream, flathead, Trevally and the odd mangrove jack. Best fished on the run out tide.

Pacific Motor Bridge and bridges in the Commera River

Most of the bridges throughout the river are prime spots to set out live baits for Mangrove Jack in Summer. Most can be accessed land based.

Where to go fishing near Coomera River?

  • Sovereign Island

    Around the bridge is a good spot to livebait for Mangrove jack in summer. An hour...

  • Jabiru Island Whiting

    Shallow sand bar holds whiting particularly in Summer. Try using bloodworms or small poppers early morning...

  • Turana Street Boat Ramp

    Fish here at night on the change of the tide with live or fresh baits for...

  • Jabiru Island Coomera

    Deep hole that is well worth fishing at night during the change of tides, use fresh...

  • Pacific Motor Bridge and bridges in the Commera River

    Most of the bridges throughout the river are prime spots to set out live baits for...

  • Saltwater Creek Rocks

    The shallow rocks here attrack bream, flathead, Trevally and the odd mangrove jack. Best fished on...

  • Gold Coast City Marina

    The deep water and good structure here is home to some big Bream and Mangrove Jacks....

  • Foxwell Island

    The canals to the south hold good Bream at times, working plastics or small hard body...

  • Bullock Creek Bend

    The west and east corners of the bend has some rocky structure that holds mostly Bream.

  • Wasp Creek Mouth

    A popular spot to live bait for Mangrove Jack during Summer. During spring the run out...

  • Coomera River North Branch

    Only accessible by boat, the north branch is fairly shallow, but still produces Bream, Whiting and...

  • Coomera River Junction

    The deeper water here has patchy reef that produces good Bream fishing at times. Bream tend...

  • Coomera Feeder Creeks

    The small feeder creeks thoughout the Coomera River produce flathead on soft plastics on an out...

  • Jabiru Island Coomera River

    Good land based fishing access, the shallow waters on the north west side produce Whiting year...

  • Paradise Point Mud Flats

    The mud flats and drop offs here produce good catches of flathead during the run out...

  • Paradise Point Canals

    The canals offer almost endless structure in the form of jetties. There are some good fish...

  • Paradise Point

    Good land based access to some good structure. The rock wall and jetties hold good bream...

  • Coomera River Mouth

    The mouth of the southern entrance has some good flats fishing for Bream on an incoming...

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October 28 2021 Had a few good days out in the bay looking for the schoolies after the rains and strong winds and the water looking not to clear,the small ones are... Read more

Fish currently being caught in the South East Queensland region November, 2021

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Current Rating Coomera River November, 2021
3.6/5 - (114 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By Water Tower Bait and Tackle
Current Rating Coomera River November, 2021
3.6/5 - (114 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By Fishing Noosa

Recommended Lures for Coomera River

Click here to find the best lures for fishing Coomera River. 5 stars mean this lure has been hand picked for Coomera River.

Jackall Squirell 79 hank tuned

Jackall DD Squirrel 79SP Silent ‘Hank Tuned’

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Mangrove Jack

Squidgies Pro Lobby

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream

Jewie 150

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Jewfish / Mulloway
Reidy's Lures - Little Lucifer Hellraiser

Little Lucifer Hellraiser – Reidy’s Lures

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Cod

Skippy Surface Lure

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream, Yellowfin Whiting

Squidgies Pro Flickbait 110mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Giant Trevally, Golden Trevally
Storm Fishing Jig for Snapper


Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Giant Trevally

Bream Prawn Vibe

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream

Zman 9” GrubZ Big Guibz

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Cod
Berkley Gulp! Shrimp 2"

Gulp Shrimp 2″

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Cod, Dusky Flathead, Mangrove Jack, Yellowfin Bream

Squidgies Pro Critter 55mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream
Squidgies Pro Wriggler - 100mm - Bloodworm

Pro Wriggler – 100mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Mangrove Jack

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2 Comments on “Coomera River” fishing

  • Perry


    Dead bait fish fo flathead is very effective in the coomera river. Bait I would use is mullet, herring and garfish.

  • Mike


    Navionics Overlay keeps closing. Do you have a solution? Thanks

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