A truly unique part of Australia, Coral Bay exist for tourism and fishing. The town is powered by a wind-diesel hybrid system. The fishing spots around Coral Bay are fantastic, anglers have the chance to tangle with game and reef fish from the shore. From the shore anglers can target Queenfish, Trevally, Threadfin Salmon, Dart, Bream, Whiting, Spangled Emperor, Coral Trout and Mangrove Jack. Casting poppers out around reef patches is a sure way to produce Queenfish and Trevally, even the odd Emperor.
The offshore waters of Coral Bay produce some of the best fishing in Australia. The inshore lagoons offer protection from larger swells. These calmer areas produce good fishing for Emperor, Pelagics, Bonefish and more. The best times to fish are May to August as the weather conditions are much calmer. The outside of the reef produces Trevally, Queenfish, Spanish and Shark Mackerel, Tuna, Dolphin Fish and Sailfish. The deeper waters are also good for bottom bouncing which can produce Coral Trout, Emperor, Cod and Trevally.
Just south of Coral Bay, Warroora Station offers quiet and remote camping away from the crowds. The beach fishing along the Warroora Station coastline is fantastic. Trevally, Emperor, Whiting and Bream all travel along the coastline. Please note the sanctuary zones Cape Farquhar and Pelican Sanctuary.
When bait fish move into the lagoon this fishing spot can really fire up. Trevally and Spangled Emperor can be caught on poppers and soft plastics cast with a long beach rod. At night is also a great time to target emperor on bait.
Stevens is a popular surf spot, it is the closest place the reef is to the beach, which forms a big gutter and strong currents on the out going tide. Trevally, Queenfish and Bream.
The small headland is a unique feature that provides some protection from strong winds. Trevally and Emperor can be caught around the point.
Elles beach is mostly shallow reefy beach. Anglers can target Emperor, Trevally and Bream along the beaches here.
Sandy Point is a shallow sandy beach, Emperor and Trevally can be targeted on the fringes of the reef. Best fish at night.
A popular camping spot amongst caravanners, the beach of 14 mile camp fishes well for Bream, Whiting and the odd Bonefish.
On low tide anglers can walk out on the reef to target Emperor, Coral Trout and Trevally in the deeper waters. Four wheel drive access required.
Accessed via four wheel drive, south of Coral Bay this is a uncrowded fishing spot where anglers can target Emperor, Trevally, small Queenfish and Bream.
Access via four wheel drive south of Coral Bay, Five Fingers reef is a popular fishing spot. Squid are a common catch, however Trevally, Emperor and Bream are abundant around the isolated coral bombies.
The boat ramp provides a good platform for fishing with the family, however there are better spots to fish around Coral Bay.
Access via four wheel drive, cars are able to drive along the beach. Fishing should be focused around the reefy out crops where Trevally, Emperor and small Queenfish will be waiting to smash a popper.
A popular camp spot, Bruboodjoo has great snorkelling and fishing spots. There are also plenty of areas to explore north and south of Bruboodjoo. It is well worth exploring the more remote beach fishing locations.
Inside the reefs of Coral Bay, the fishing spots are fantastic for Spangled Emperor, Trevally, Coral Trout and more. The outgoing tide on a shallow reef is a great place to target Emperor and Trevally waiting for bait fish to be sucked into the deeper waters. The channels into the deep waters are good places to target Coral Trout on soft plastics bounced along the bottom, however it is very snaggy country.
Outside the reef, the best method is trolling the deeper waters along the reefs. Mackerel, Dolphin Fish, Tuna and Wahoo are all around and will readily smash a trolled lure. Sailfish are also a possibility around the reefs of Coral Bay.
Jigging soft plastics and metal jigs around any likely change in depth and rock bombie is a sure way to hook both Red and Spangled Emperor, Trevally and Coral Trout. Further north, close to the reef areas where waves are breaking hold some large Trevally, Mackerel and Tuna.
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says:Where can we catch squid. Don’t have a boat
says:Five Fingers reef is a good spot. Send out a shiny float with an old fashioned spike lure woth a mulie or preferably a fresh whiting.
Good luck