Guilderton Fishing Spots

Guilderton Fishing Spots

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4.2/5 - (16 votes)
31°21'8.61" S, 115°30'15.28" E

Guilderton is a small sleepy town 135km north of Perth, at the mouth of the Moore River. There are 2 options for Guilderton fishing, the beaches or the Moore River. The Moore River produces mainly smaller Black Bream, further upstream is a good place to fish for large bream on small hard body lures. The beach fishing around Guilderton produces Herring, Whiting, Tailor and the odd Mulloway.

Guilderton beach fishing

The beach fishing around Guilderton produces Herring, Whiting, Tailor and the odd Mulloway. The best place to start fishing is either north or south of the Moore River mouth. To the south of Guilderton is a maze of 4wd tracks that lead beaches with good gutters and reefy patches. South Guilderton beaches provide good fishing early morning and late afternoon for Tailor around the reefs. Mulloway also turn up and are best fished at night.

To the North of Guilderton along Forrester Road is a nice reefy outcrop with a deeper gutter. Here you can fish for Herring, Whiting and Tailor at dawn and dusk. Heading further north a 4wd is required, but there is plenty of remote fishing spots to try out. Most the gutters, reef patches and small rocky out crops produce Herring and Tailor.

The mouth of the Moore River when it is open to the ocean is a good place to fishing for Herring and the odd mulloway. Target the dirty water line with metal slugs and shallow medium size hard body lures for Herring. Vibes and soft plastics bounced off the bottom through the dirty water can work well for Mulloway.

Moore River Fishing

The Moore River is a fairly shallow river system and is cut off from the ocean for most of the year. The river is best fished from a kayak or boat, however there are several land based access points for the shore angler. There are many drop offs throughout the river, try fishing the deeper water here, although a sounder is required. When the mouth of the river is closed, upstream has the best fishing spots for large black bream. Casting around the timber snags and any structure with small hard body minnows. The numerous rock walls can also be productive for Black Bream.

Where to go fishing near Guilderton?

  • South Guilderton A maze for 4wd tracks give access to some isolated beaches. Fishing the beach gutters and reef patches produces King George Whiting, Herring, Tailor and the odd Mulloway.
  • Moore River Black Bream Fish upstream when the mouth of the Moore River is closed. The bigger Black Bream tend to move upstream at this time. Cast lures and soft plastics at rock walls, snags and drop offs.
  • Moore River Mouth Fish the river mouth when it is open to the ocean for better sized black bream. On the ocean side fish for Herring, Tailor and the odd Mulloway along the dirty water line.
  • Guilderton Rock Groyne Fish the inside deep channel for Whiting and Herring. Around the reefy rocks dawn and dusk for Tailor and Herring. Mulloway come into the deeper channel at night. Metal slugs and shallow diving minnows work well for Herring and Tailor.
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Fish Species caught at Guilderton

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Jurien Bay to Geraldton Fishing Report March 14, 2017

Surf fishers have been catching mulloway to 15kg, tailor and the odd pink snapper near Coronation. More tailor and some big herring have been picked up at Explosives. The Greenough River remains... Read more

Fish currently being caught in the Wheatbelt region March, 2017

Black Bream Jewfish / Mulloway Mangrove Jack Pink Snapper Spanish Mackerel Tailor
Read the Full Report
Current Rating Guilderton March, 2017
4.5/5 - (11 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By I Love Fishing

Recommended Lures for Guilderton

Click here to find the best lures for fishing Guilderton. 5 stars mean this lure has been hand picked for Guilderton.

Bream Prawn Vibe

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream
Berkley Gulp! Shrimp 2"

Gulp Shrimp 2″

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Twisty 70g

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Tailor
Squidgies Pro Range Wriggler - 65mm

Pro Wriggler – 65mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Squidgies Pro Critter 55mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Laser Pro 160

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Giant Herring

Squidgies Pro Lobby

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Twisty 55g

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Giant Herring, Tailor

Jewie 150

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Jewfish / Mulloway
Bream Lure the Strike Pro Pygmy 2

Pygmy 2 – Strike Pro

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Squidgies Pro Wriggler – 80mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

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User Rating4.2Good Fishing


10km (as the bird flys)
User Rating3.6Good Fishing

One Comment “Guilderton”

  • Sorin timbus


    Hi,is it any carp in Moore river and where please??

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