Jurien Bay Fishing Spots

Jurien Bay Fishing Spots

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Jurien Bay

3.7/5 - (56 votes)
30°17'50.33" S, 115°2'31.45" E

A popular holiday spot, located only 220km north of Perth. Land based Jurien Bay fishing spots are centred on chasing Whiting, Tailor, Flathead, Bream, Dart, Herring, Shark, Mulloway and even the odd Mackerel.

The land based fishing spots at Jurien Bay extend from Green Head to Cervantes. There are numerous beaches and headlands to explore for the travelling angler. Some essential lures for fishing around Jurien Bay are Metal Slices, medium to small poppers, Mulloway lures and soft plastics of all sizes for Bream to Mulloway. The best tackle is a medium weight beach rod at least 8ft in length combined with 3000+ plus size reel. This setup will cover most species in Jurien Bay such as Tailor, Herring, school Mulloway, Bream and whiting. For anglers targeting big Mulloway, an upgrade in tackle is necessary.

Most land based fishing spots at Jurien are best fished at dawn, dusk and into the night. Tailor are prominent in Summer are can be found at the Marina rock walls and the Jurien Jetty.

Hill River

To the south of Jurien Bay is the beautiful Hill River, a 4wd is required to access. The beaches here produce Tailor on metal slugs. The chance of the odd Mulloway also. The beaches north from Hill River to Jurien Bay can sometimes be plagued with weed along the beaches making it hard to fish. Black bream reside in the Hill River also, so flicking a few small soft plastics and hard body shallow minnows is definitely worth it.

Hill River North

This little point holds Tailor and whiting, the chance of the odd Mulloway also. A 4wd is required.

Island Point

Just to the south of Jurien, Island Point is a good fishing spot, best times to fish are at dawn and dusk for Tailor and Mulloway. Whiting throughout the day, they are often in less than 1 foot of water. A burley trail can also attract Herring.

Jurien Jetty

Jurien bay jetty is a popular fishing spot. It is close to town, easily accessible and the bay provides protection from southerly winds. The jetty produces Snapper, Samson Fish, Mulloway and even the odd Spanish Mackerel. Tailor, Silver Trevally and Whiting also hang around the jetty at times. The occasional Mulloway turns up year round at the Jetty and is best targeted early mornings and at afternoons into the night. Squid also turn up under the lights of the jetty at night.

Jurien Harbour

The rocks walls of the marina provide a easily accessible fishing spot close to Jurien Bay. From here anglers can target Herring, Tailor, Silver Trevally, Flathead and Whiting. The odd school Mulloway also show up. Take some metal slugs for the Herring and Tailor. Silver Trevally will take mostly anything on the end of your line.

Middle Head

Roughly 2km north of Jurien Marina is Middle Head fishing spot. It fishes well for Whiting and Tailor mostly.

North Head

Four wheel drive access only, North Head is about 12km from Jurien Bay. It fishes well for small Tailor and Herring. The odd bigger Tailor can be taken, try targeting the holes in the reefs with medium sized poppers. Rumours of bigger fish hanging around this area are unconfirmed.

Sandy Point

Accessible by 2wd, Sandy Point can become quite crowded. Accesses the nearby beaches via a 4wd anglers can find isolated beaches to target Tailor, Herring and Bream. The odd mulloway is also taken from the beaches around Sandy Point.

Offshore Jurien Bay Fishing

Offshore anglers can expect some fantastic fishing for Pink Snapper, Mackerel, Dhufish, Samson Fish, Baldchin Groper and more. The marina provides a sheltered boat ramp and beach launching a boat from Jurien Bay is also possible. There are several semi sheltered locations around Boullanger, Tern Island, and Favorite Islands. Please note to the east of Boluanger Island is a Sanctuary Zone and no fishing allowed.

East of Favorite Island produces Tailor and Herring. Further offshore the fishing really comes to life.

In Summer Spanish Mackerel are found at the back of the reefs, trolling minnow lures is almost always affective to hooking them.

Where to go fishing near Jurien Bay?

  • Pumpkin Hollow A good spot to target larger Tailor around the reefs.
  • Favorite Island Mostly Tailor and Herring on the inside of Favorite Island. A good offshore Jurien Bay fishing spots for smaller boats.
  • Seaward Ledge Good place to target King George Whiting, semi protected from swells.
  • The Bomber Tailor, Silver Trevally, Snapper and King George Whiting are all targeted around this area.
  • Sandy Point Accessible by 2wd, Sandy Point can become quite crowded. Accesses the nearby beaches via a 4wd anglers can find isolated beaches to target Tailor, Herring and Bream. The odd mulloway is also taken from the beaches around Sandy Point.
  • North Head Four wheel drive required, North Head is about 12km north of Jurien Bay. It fishes well for small Tailor and Herring. The odd bigger Tailor can be taken, try targeting the holes in the reefs with medium sized poppers. Rumours of bigger fish hanging around this area are unconfirmed.
  • Island Point Just to the south of Jurien, Island Point is a good fishing spot, best times to fish are at dawn and dusk for Tailor and Mulloway. Whiting throughout the day, often in less than 1 foot of water. A burley trail can also attract Herring.
  • Hill River North Four wheel drive required. This little point holds Tailor and whiting, the chance of the odd Mulloway also.
  • Hill River Four wheel drive required, The beaches here produce Tailor on metal slugs. The chance of the odd Mulloway also.Black bream reside in the Hill River also, flicking small soft plastics and hard body shallow minnows is definitely worth it. The beaches north from Hill River to Jurien Bay can sometimes be plagued with weed along the beaches making it hard to fish.
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Jurien Bay to Geraldton Fishing Report March 14, 2017

Surf fishers have been catching mulloway to 15kg, tailor and the odd pink snapper near Coronation. More tailor and some big herring have been picked up at Explosives. The Greenough River remains... Read more

Fish currently being caught in the Wheatbelt region March, 2017

Black Bream Jewfish / Mulloway Mangrove Jack Pink Snapper Spanish Mackerel Tailor
Read the Full Report
Current Rating Jurien Bay March, 2017
4.5/5 - (11 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By I Love Fishing

Recommended Lures for Jurien Bay

Click here to find the best lures for fishing Jurien Bay. 5 stars mean this lure has been hand picked for Jurien Bay.

Bream Prawn Vibe

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream
Berkley Gulp! Shrimp 2"

Gulp Shrimp 2″

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Squidgies Pro Wriggler – 80mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Squidgies Pro Lobby

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream
Bream Lure the Strike Pro Pygmy 2

Pygmy 2 – Strike Pro

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Jewie 150

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Jewfish / Mulloway

Laser Pro 160

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Giant Herring, Spanish Mackerel
Storm Fishing Jig for Snapper


Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Spanish Mackerel

Twisty 55g

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Giant Herring, Silver Trevally, Spanish Mackerel, Tailor
Squidgies Pro Range Wriggler - 65mm

Pro Wriggler – 65mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Bream

Twisty 70g

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Tailor
Storm Gomoku Fishing Jig


Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Samson fish

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