Proserpine River Boat Ramp

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Proserpine River Boat Ramp

2/5 - (1 vote)
20°27'6.24" S, 148°41'59.57" E

Long concrete ramp 5km from Conway Beach. Plenty of parking, usable on most tides (beware of river mudbanks at low tide). Access to the Proserpine River.

Watch out for Crocs.

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Capricorn Coast / CQ Fishing Report March, 2017

At long last the weather has changed and the wind has eased to allow the fishermen to venture out and catch fish, the fish that have been caught from red emporer, red... Read more

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Current Rating Proserpine River Boat Ramp March, 2017
2.9/5 - (69 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By Coucom’s Crabpots and Fishing Gear

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