Rockingham Fishing Spots

Rockingham Fishing Spots

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3.6/5 - (433 votes)
32°16'41.81" S, 115°43'40.57" E

Rockingham is only 45 minutes south of Perth, it is the southern most city in the Perth region. Its proximity to Perth and size means it has definitely copped a lot of fishing pressure, but for dedicated anglers, Rockingham fishing spots still produce some great fish. Rockingham beaches are well protected from large swells by outer reefs, a number of small islands and Garden Island. Cockburn sound is the main area well protected from the seas. A strong sea breeze can still cause choppy conditions, but sometimes this is a good thing for Tailor. The fishing spots in Rockingham are quite accessible, although a boat or kayak will allow anglers access to better fishing, especially for the famous Pink Snapper and with relatively protected waters its not hard to find good fish close by. Anglers willing to explore and time their fishing trips, will be pleasantly rewarded.

The main fish targeted in Rockingham are Pink Snapper, Mulloway, Flathead, Tailor, Herring, Silver Trevally, Samson Fish, Yellowtail Kingfish, both King George and Yellowfin Whiting and Australia Salmon during their annual migration in Autumn.

The greatest thing about fishing Rockingham is the chance to catch Mulloway and Pink Snapper from one of the many jetties or rock walls. The peak season for Pink Snapper is Winter around the raining / stormy period, before they move into CockBurn Sound for spawning. There is a demersal fishing closures in Spring. These fishing closures play an important part of keeping our fisheries sustainable, Pink Snapper spawn during this period.

The best chance at a Pink Snapper close to shore in Rockingham is after a few days of rough seas and poor weather. Snapper tend to come in close for an easy feed of crabs and bait fish. Fish from one of the many rock walls with a 5inch soft plastic as soon as possible once the poor weather has finished. The long rock walls at the Cockburn boat ramp and the ASI groyne are great choices, and is particularly productive for snapper after some swell and a NW wind.

ASI Groyne and Boat Ramp Groyne

Great place to target Pink snapper during a NW wind is the outside groyne, during rough seas the snapper can be on the inside in sheltered waters also. Fish along the entire groyne, best times are at dawn and dusk.

Mulloway also hang off the jetties and rock walls around Rockingham, they are best targeted at night and can be caught year round. Soft vibe lures like the Thready Buster’s or Fish Candy vibes can be effective.

The beach fishing spots around Rockingham can also be productive for Herring, which are caught all year round, particularly on metal slugs. During summer Tailor move in closer to the shore and can be targeted on metal slugs also. On shallow sand bars and around weedy areas is also a great place to target whiting on small minnows and poppers during the warmer months.

Rockingham Beach fishing spots

Rockingham beach fishing spots

Rockingham beach fishing produces whiting and tailor year round, during summer Tailor can be caught on metal slugs. There are 2 jetties in town both are heavily fished by bait anglers, Pink Snapper and Mulloway are often caught.

Challenger Beach

Fish for herring and flathead year round, herring will take shallow diving minnows and metal slugs. Flathead can be targeted on soft plastic lures bounced along the bottom, they will also take small minnow lures.

Point Peron

The rocky reef areas of Point Peron produces Herring, Tailor and Silver Trevally year round. During Autumn this is a prime location for Australian Salmon. A metal slug is the best lure for all species here except whiting, which prefer smaller soft plastics or poppers.

Shoalwater Point

Shoalwater Point has a shallow sand bar that goes right across to Penguin Island. Along the shallows anglers can target Flathead and Whiting. Flathead will take just about any lure, soft plastics are very effective bounced across the bottom.

Penguin Island

Penguin Island fishes well for Herring, Tailor and Australian Salmon in Autumn. There are numerous spots to try and some walking is required, however it can pay off when a big tailor is caught on a metal slug.

Warnbro Beach

Warnbro Beach is a long stretch of beach that produces mainly herring and whiting. The odd tailor in summer.

Recommended Beach fishing gear

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Offshore Rockingham Fishing Spots

There are heaps of fishing spots to choose from going off shore from Rockingham. Numerous wrecks, artificial reefs, drop offs, reefs and small islands are found only a short distance from most boat ramps in Rockingham. Small boat anglers usually have several options even when the wind is blowing, there are still fishing spots that will be protected from prevailing winds.

Offshore Rockingham fishing spots produce mainly Pink Snapper, Tailor, Herring, Yellowtail Kingfish, King George Whiting, Trevally and Samson Fish. Pink Snapper move into Cockburn sound in Spring, however there is a demersal finfish closure on targeting Pink Snapper from October to December (please check the Department of Fisheries for exact dates). Pink snapper spawn from October to February. The good news is Pink Snapper can be found year round and they actually start moving into Cockburn a few weeks before the ban depending on the water temperature, around 18 degrees sets off the spawning. Year round Pink Snapper can be caught around the fringing areas of Cockburn Sound. They are opportunistic feeders that feed on the bottom and along reefs, happily eating crabs, baitfish and crustaceans. Early mornings and late afternoons are the best time to fish for Pink Snapper, the change of light seems to trigger feeding.

The best places to start looking for Pink snapper outside of the spots below, is around gravel beds and pinnacles found by a sounder.

Along the industry area just north of Rockingham are several jetty’s and other man made features that can all hold Pink Snapper, Herring and Tailor.

Alcoa Jetty

Just north of Rockingham close to a small boat ramp is Alcoa jetty which can fish well for Pink Snapper around the pylons.

D9 Wreck

A famous Pink Snapper fishing spot in Rockingham, the D9 Wreck holds Pink Snapper year round.

Garden Island

Garden Island produces some great fishing. On the western side is Five Fathom Bank, where Pink Snapper and Samson Fish will gather around June before they start to move into the coral areas of Cockburn Sound. Snapper and Samson Fish will take soft plastics and jigs off the bottom. Often the best technique is no rod movement at all, the swell moving the boat up and down is generally enough lure action to entice a fish to strike. Extra action imparted on the lure often just pulls the lure away from the fish in an unnatural appearance.

Around the island the beaches produce Australian Salmon in Autumn, also skippy, herring and king george whiting. Tailor can also be targeted around shallow reefs where waves are breaking, tailor will take poppers and metal slugs in this scenario. King George Whiting are also abundant on the eastern side of Garden Island.

Sulphur Rock and Bay to the east of Garden Island is a Pink Snapper hotspot, it is fished fairly heavily however still holds fish most of the year. Harding Rock just north of Sulphur rock also holds Pink Snapper.

Carnac Island

Close to the island fishes well for herring, further west are deeper reefs which fish well for Pink Snapper and Dhufish. Further north is Passage Rock which holds Trevally and Pink Snapper, this spot is exposed to all winds. Continuing north are numerous other land marks that at times will hold good fish, Mewtone, Straggler Rocks and other small reefy areas. These offshore spots are all well worth a fish provided conditions are right.

Further offshore around Five Fathom Bank produces good fishing for Pink Snapper and Samson fish, particularly in June. During the Summer months when the water warms up, Five Fathom bank is a good place to troll big minnow lures for Spanish Mackerel.

Warnbro Sound

To the south of Perth is Warnbro Sound, which is protected from swells by outer reefs and rocks. These Rocks which extend south from Pengiun Island fish well for Skippy, Pink Snapper, Herring and Tailor.

Further south is an Artificial Reef which can produce Pink Snapper, Trevally and Herring.

Where to go fishing near Rockingham?

  • Straggler Rocks Straggler Rocks has good fishing for King George Whiting and Tailor on the eastern side. The western side fishes well for Pink Snapper and Samson Fish. During summer stroll the western side for Spanish Mackerel.
  • Mewstone Rock Mewstone and the rocks to the east produce good early morning fishing for Herring, Tailor and Silver Trevally. Poppers and metal slugs all work well. Tailor mainly around white water.
  • Passage Rock Passage Rock produces Silver Trevally and King George Whiting, the odd Pink Snapper also show up.
  • Carnac Island Close to the island fishes well for herring, tailor and whiting on the eastern side. The west side fishes well for Pink Snapper, Samson Fish and Trevally. Further west are deeper reefs which fish well for Pink Snapper and Dhufish.
  • Parmelia Bank Fishes well for King George Whiting around the weed beds. Pink Snapper and Mulloway in the shipping channel drop off, jigging and bottom bouncing soft plastics work.
  • Alcoa Jetty Big Pink Snapper around the end of the jetty, fish around the pylons.
  • D9 Wreck Popular spot for Pink Snapper, best fished at dawn and dusk, try to get there before everyone else! Soft plastics jigged around the bottom.
  • Pinnacle Rock Pink Snapper, best fished at night.
  • Rockingham Power Station Fish the power station out let with average sized minnows and metal slugs for Tailor. There is a warm water outlet here that attracts the Tailor and bait fish.
  • Coal Wharf Off limits to land based anglers. Via boat the wharfs and jetty's here attract Herring, Tailor, Pink Snapper and Mulloway. Pink Snapper and Mulloway best targeted at night.
  • Herring Bay Herring Bay fishes well for...? Herring of course. Metal slugs work well.
  • Sulphur Bay Sulphur bay produces Pink Snapper, Silver Trevally, Herring King George Whiting and Australia Salmon in Autumn.
  • Five Fathom Bank All along Five Fathom Bank Pink Snapper and Samson Fish gather during June before the spawning Season, good time to fish with soft plastics around the drop offs. Year round snapper can be caught here. Troll the western side during summer for the chance of a Spanish Mackerel.
  • Charted Wreck Five Fathom Bank Charted wreck seen on Navionics, fishes well for Pink Snapper, best in June.
  • Garden Island South Good fishing around reefs south of Garden Island for Silver Trevally, Herring and King George Whiting.
  • Passage Rock From Passage Rock North, fish the reefy areas for Pink Snapper on soft plastics. These areas also produce Silver Trevally, King George Whiting, Tailor and Herring, but check sanctuary zones before fishing.
  • Charted Reef Five Fathom Bank Reefy area holds Pink Snapper and Samson Fish. Troll the western side in Summer for Spanish Mackerel and Tuna.
  • Historic Wreck South Five Fathom Pink Snapper, Samson Fish and King George Whiting around the reef and Historic Wreck.
  • Reef The reef here is around 8 meters deep, surrounded by 20 meter deep water, can hold snapper, Samson fish, herring and Tailor. Work along the drop off with soft plastics for Snapper, Trevally and Samson Fish.
  • Wreck off Becher Point Holds fish year round, Pink Snapper, Trevally, Herring & Tailor, check local updated sanctuary zones.
  • Horseshoe Reef Horseshoe Reef produces good fishing for Pink Snapper, Trevally King George Whiting, Salmon in Autumn and Tailor are best in Summer. Soft plastics work well for Pink Snapper.
  • ASI Groyne and Boat Ramp Groyne Great place to target Pink snapper during a NW wind is the outside groyne, during rough seas the snapper can be on the inside in sheltered waters also. Fish along the entire groyne, best times are at dawn and dusk.
  • Garden Island Around the island the beaches produce Australian Salmon in Autumn, skippy, herring and king george whiting. Tailor reefs where waves are breaking, tailor will take poppers and metal slugs in this scenario. King George Whiting are also abundant on the eastern side of Garden Island.
  • Warnbro Beach Warnbro Beach is a long stretch of beach that produces mainly herring and whiting. The odd tailor in summer.
  • Penguin Island Penguin Island fishes well for Herring, Tailor and Australian Salmon in Autumn. There are numerous spots to try and some walking is required, however it can pay off when a big tailor is caught on a metal slug.
  • Shoalwater Point Shoalwater Point has a shallow sand bar that goes right across to Penguin Island. Along the shallows anglers can target Flathead and Whiting. Flathead will take just about any lure, soft plastics are very effective bounced across the bottom.
  • Point Peron The rocky reef areas of Point Peron produces Herring, Tailor and Silver Trevally year round. Autumn Australian Salmon, a metal slug is the best lure for all species here except whiting, which prefer smaller soft plastics or poppers.
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Perth Fishing Report March 14, 2017

Spanish mackerel continue to be caught on trolled bibbed minnows and rigged garfish off the metropolitan coast. Areas where mackerel were caught this past week, included Coventry Reef, Cockburn Sound, Five Fathom... Read more

Read the Full Report
Current Rating Rockingham March, 2017
3.6/5 - (104 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By I Love Fishing

Recommended Lures for Rockingham

Click here to find the best lures for fishing Rockingham. 5 stars mean this lure has been hand picked for Rockingham.

Twisty 70g

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Salmon, Tailor

Laser Pro 160

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Salmon, Giant Herring, Mackerel
Storm Gomoku Fishing Jig


Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Pink Snapper, Samson fish

Laser Pro 120

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Salmon

Twisty 55g

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Salmon, Giant Herring, Tailor
Storm Fishing Jig for Snapper


Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Dhufish, Pink Snapper

Roosta Popper 160

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Salmon, Mackerel

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User Rating3.6Good Fishing


27km (as the bird flys)
User Rating3.5Nice Fishing

6 Comments on “Rockingham” fishing

  • Tamara


    Anyone catching,? And what u catching??

  • Rick Demark


    Tuna time

  • Shane


    I put a Viagra on a single hook with a running sinker!And casted out!-and wat da you know i caught a blue bone!

    • Luke Van Lathum


      thats awesome mate, be careful but you might get crabs if you keep that up

  • Russell Taylor


    I’m heading down to the jetty with my kids now.
    I’ll let you guys know how it goes!!

  • Jimbo Nice


    ripper mate

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