The Serpentine River fishes well for Bream, Mulloway and Tailor. During the summer time the bream head upstream and the best places to try are around and north of the Pinjarra Road Bridge.
Serpentine River fishing can be hard for land based anglers since access is difficult as a lot of the River backs onto private property and finding a decent spot can be tricky. The bridges and pylons around Lakes Road bridge offer some Bream and land based access.
Small minnows and soft plastics are a must. Rig the soft plastics with 1/16 or 1/24 ounce jig heads and let them slowly sink. Move quietly and cast deep against or into structure, the bream in the Serpentine and Murray River hit hard and Bream over 1kg can be caught.
Further upstream the Serpentine River was stocked with 8,000 trout in 2013. Trout stocking has continued in the River with 500 yearlings in 2014 and another 1,500 in 2015.
Rumour has it Rangers will advise you that you cannot fish between Serpentine Dam and Pipe Head dam as it is catchment region. However according to the Department of Fisheries that scretch of River is open all year around for Freshwater angling. View link.
Trout will readily take small minnows and soft plastics, however a favoured way to fish them is using a fly rod. The peak Trout fishing time is Spring from September to December as the winter rains and water levels decrease. During this time the Trout will gather in the small brooks off the main river and also in the rapids of the main river.
The Murray River and Mandurah Canals offer more productive bream fishing.
Explore further upstream of Goegrup Lake for Black Bream. Soft plastics work well.
Fish from Kwinana Fwy bridge to Lakes Road bridge and further downstream for Bream in Summer...
Bream all year round under the bridge and around snags. Tailor and Mulloway during summer from...
Plus, where, when and how to fish every spot!
1000's of offshore spots, sign up Just $3.95 to access the map of fishing spots
Sign UpMANDURAH Beaches north of Mandurah continue to fish well for tailor late afternoons and an occasional mulloway after dark. There are reports of plenty of squid over the weed beds between Silver... Read more
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says:Hi people,
I have been a dedicated salt water fisher all my life but now want a change. I have 4.2mt tinny and want to fish the serpentine and murray
rivers. any info on where to start would be wicked.
Calvin Weale
says:I know of many spots if u are jeen to take mw out on tour boat can show u. You can call me on 0419166136.