Hinchinbrook Channel Fishing Spots

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Hinchinbrook Channel

4/5 - (28 votes)
18°23'48.82" S, 146°10'47.55" E

Hinchinbrook is one of the most scenic places to fish, surrounded by rainforest covered mountains and pristine estuaries – each year hundreds of fisherman test their skills and knowledge at Hinchinbrook.

Fishing the Hinchinbrook channel can initially be daunting due to the size of system its hard to know where to start and many people leave without any fish.  During the wet season large amounts of fresh water run into the channel and it can be tough fishing as bread and butter species head for more salinity and others follow the bait into the brackish. Adding to the complexity of the system is tides and the massive network of creeks, islands and snags! Hopefully this guide will help you know where to start fishing Hinchinbrook.

The northern part of Hinchinbrook island is fairly simple consisting of very deep channels and structure lined banks. Missionary Bay is  located on the Northern side of Hinchinbrook and is a series of small inlets with many channels and sand flats – where people from all over the world come to fly fish for the elusive Permit. The northern part of the Hinchinbrook Channel generally stays clearer than the southern with a good chance of a 1m+ Barramundi.

The southern part of Hinchinbrook is a complex network of tributaries and islands, running back out to sea pass the famous Lucinda Jetty. The southern side contains great river systems like the Herbet River and Seymour River along with a massive array of mangrove lined islands and channels.

Access to the Hinchinbrook channel is via 3 locations, the north, south and the middle.

Lure fishing Hinchinbrook Channel

Great fishing can had all year round in the Hinchinbrook channel, with around 10 – 20 different species on offer. Barramundi can also be caught all year round provided the water is between 18-30 degrees.

First point of call is working the mangrove lined smaller creeks, a common trap many first timers have is not spending long enough time in one spot, thinking the next creek will be better. Actually fact most anglers will be rewarded by spending time working over snags along a single creek – constantly keeping an eye on your sounder for protruding or snags out from the banks.

Where to go fishing near Hinchinbrook Channel?

  • Hecate Point

    Deep hole fishes well for big Barramundi and Jewfish.

  • Hinchinbrook Grunter

    Deep hole with gravel bottom perfect for Grunter.

  • Hinchinbrook Grunter

    Deep hole with gravel bottom good for Grunter. Barramundi also hang on the point in the...

  • Hinchinbrook sand flats

    Trevally, Queenfish and Permit on sand flats

  • Broken Pole Creek

    Barramundi and Mangrove Jack in snags.

  • Morris Creek

    Barramundi and Salmon at creek mouths, best fished at low tide.

  • Missionary Bay Barramundi

    Creek has good snags, drains and structure for Barramundi and Mangrove Jack.

  • Missionary Bay

    The flats and creeks in Missionary Bay fish well for Golden Trevally, Queenfish, Barramundi and Permit.

  • Cardwell Marina Barramundi

    Barramundi and Mangrove Jacks along the rock wall of the marina. Good post wet season.

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Tide data error, request failed.

Port Douglas Fishing Report for February 2016

As we enter into March the full extent of the wet season is still yet to be determined. Do date it has been a moderate wet season with occasional huge dumpings of... Read more

Read the Full Report
Current Rating Hinchinbrook Channel April, 2016
3.4/5 - (75 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By Fishing Port Douglas

Recommended Lures for Hinchinbrook Channel

Click here to find the best lures for fishing Hinchinbrook Channel. 5 stars mean this lure has been hand picked for Hinchinbrook Channel.

Jackall Squirell 79 hank tuned

Jackall DD Squirrel 79SP Silent ‘Hank Tuned’

Suited to Hinchinbrook Channel.
Good for: Barramundi, Black Spotted Rockcod, Mangrove Jack

Squidgies Slick Rig 130mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Barramundi

Squidgies Pro Wriggler – 80mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream

Bream Prawn Vibe

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Grunter, Yellowfin Bream

Laser Pro 160

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Barramundi

Roosta Popper 160

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Golden Trevally, Trevally
Killalure Flatz Ratz 2

Flatz Ratz – Killalure

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Barramundi, Black Spotted Rockcod, Mangrove Jack

Squidgies Pro Critter 55mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Bream, Yellowfin Bream
Berkley Gulp! Shrimp 2"

Gulp Shrimp 2″

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Black Spotted Rockcod, Bream, Cod, Dusky Flathead, Flathead, Grunter, Mangrove Jack, Yellowfin Bream

Junior B52

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Barramundi

Squidgies Pro Mongrel 115mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Threadfin Salmon

Jewie 150

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Barramundi, Jewfish - Black

Twisty 55g

Suited for some Fish Species.

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10 Comments on “Hinchinbrook Channel” fishing

  • Christopher R. Hall


    Looking to visit and fly fish the Hinchinbrook Chanel early-mid September. Would very much appreciate your assistance with locations for best Permit numbers and respective tide stages.

    Your help is very much appreciated.

    Kind regards
    Christopher R. Hall

    • Luke Van Lathum


      Hi Chris, the Hinchinbrook area is pretty massive so there is a heap of water to cover. Are you staying at Cardwell or Lucinda side? The western side of Goold Island has permit, Missionary Bay is also a good spot. The sandbar to the north of and east of Benjamin flats also hold permit, the incoming tide is best using shrimp or crab flys. You might want to get in touch with these guys: http://www.australianflyfishingoutfitters.com.au/ for more detailed information.

  • Christopher R. Hall


    Thank you Luke,

    Will be staying at Cardwell!

    Appreciate your help very much!


  • Will Bryant


    I’m looking at a July fishing trip. Staying at this stage Lucinda end. What’s the common fish being caught at this time of year? Any pelagics running?
    Cheers Will

  • Scott Abraham


    I fish from Lucinda. Looking for good places to catch live bait. Will fish all areas up to Damper Creek. Any suggestions

  • Peter


    G’Day, I am still wanting to know why my GPS have not downloaded..
    Be a shame..I am going there next week with No spots to verify them also to find other locations.. Have contacted you on the following.. admin@fishingspots.com.au
    Be good for an answer.. I am waiting.. Thanks guys

    • Luke Van Lathum


      They are in your dashboard as a KML file and there was a link on the payment confirmation page.

  • Doug Mcinnes


    Hi Guys . Thanks for having me,me and my mate travelling from south of Wolongong.Staying for a few weeks at Lucinda.Any tips for fishing and the surrounding areas.

  • Marz dimauro


    Hi has anyone jetski fished hinchinbrook

  • Trinidad Valtierra


    Many thanks for giving this info on this astounding website. i’ll share this short article in my facebook be the cause of my buddies

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